Materials for teaching

RStudio offers several resources to make it easier for you to teach R, ranging from semester-long courses to more intense (but much shorter) workshops.

All of these materials can be reused and remixed freely under Creative Commons licenses. If you do so, please include a link to the original in your content saying, "Portions of this material are derived from RStudio's '[lesson title]'." Only one such link is needed: you do not need to link from or to specific slides and do not need to include our logo.


Most teachers enjoy developing their own instruction materials, but the need for exercises, homework, exams, slides, and other supporting materials make this a big job. Below are some open source materials developed at RStudio and elsewhere that you can freely adapt and use for your R teaching.

  • Get a complete data science course in a box. Data Science in a Box contains the complete materials for teaching a semester-long introductory data science course. The “box” contains materials for an undergraduate level introductory data science course, such as slide decks, homework assignments, guided labs, sample exams, a final project assignment, as well as materials for instructors such as pedagogical tips, information on computing infrastructure, technology stack, and course logistics. The website exposes the source materials that live in a GitHub repository and use datasets from the dsbox package.

  • Teach with STAT 545. STAT 545 is a course in data wrangling, analysis, and exploration in R with RStudio. Although the course was designed as a graduate-level, semester-long introduction to data science by Dr. Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan, the free online materials Jenny developed have been a valuable resource for self-directed learners and other educators. In Jenny’s own words, STAT 545 was designed to teach “everything that comes up during data analysis except for statistical modelling and inference." The education team at RStudio has recently ported the original materials into a modern and more maintainable bookdown website.

  • Use R for Data Science in the classroom. Many educators use the free online book R for Data Science as a course textbook. There is also an R for Data Science Instructor’s Guide, which contains notes for people teaching R for Data Science with each chapter’s learning objectives and key points. The “unofficial” R4DS Solutions Manual, a community resource developed by and for educators, is also helpful if you want to use R4DS in the classroom.


Many of you may have taken workshops from the RStudio team, but did you know that all of RStudio’s workshop materials are available for you to use in your own workshops? Below are a few of the more popular workshop respositories proven popular with teachers:

  • Teach the Tidyverse. Master the Tidyverse is an award-winning two-day introduction to doing data science with the Tidyverse. This repository contains instructor materials (Keynote slides and exercises) for teaching this workshop. You can teach the workshop as is, adapt it to your needs, or divide it into two one day workshops: Welcome to the Tidyverse, which covers Exploratory Data Analysis, and Data Wrangling with the Tidyverse. See the README for teaching tips.

  • Teach Shiny. This workshop is designed for those who want to up their teaching Shiny game, and is particularly aimed at training partners who want to qualify as an RStudio Certified Shiny Instructor and at those who are R and Shiny advocates in their organizations.

  • Teach R Markdown. If you want to teach R Markdown, we have designed several workshops for teaching the basics to the more advanced topics. You can find the materials for a full two-day workshop on Advanced R Markdown (source), a four-hour introductory workshop on R Markdown for Medicine (source) aimed at clinical researchers, and a full-day workshop on Communicating with R Markdown (source).

  • Teach everything else! At the RStudio Education GitHub Organization instructors can find the materials for all workshops taught by the RStudio Education team. All of these workshop materials are openly-licensed and freely-available for reuse. Please follow the reuse guidelines outlined in the licenses in the specific repositories, and enjoy leveraging quality teaching materials designed and developed by our team!

  Take me to: tools for teaching.

June 2 – 3, 2020
This workshop is the first step in becoming a certified RStudio instructor. It is run online for four hours on each of two days at a time suitable for participants in the Americas. Please contact us if you wish to take part.