This summer I interned for RStudio’s education team. It was a total departure from my routine as a PhD student, and the perfect brew of the things I enjoy: building stuff, drawing stuff, and teaching stuff. Read more ...
A closer look at rstudio::conf(2020) workshops Read more ...
Yim Register
I spent the summer creating lessons to teach data science to software engineers. Here’s what I learned along the way. Read more ...
This summer I built a blocks based coding language for data transformation and visualization. But interning for RStudio gave me so much more than a project. Here’s what I learned. Read more ...
I spent my summer internship at RStudio trying to reckon with the YAML problem: R Markdown is pretty easy to learn, but students often trip over YAML. Here are some tools to help with teaching this tricky subject. Read more ...
This past summer, I had the incredible opportunity to spend the summer as an RStudio intern working with Hadley Wickham on a few new features for the ggplot2 package. Read more ...
Looking for teaching material for intro to #rstats and the #tidyverse? I’ve made mine easier to reuse. Please help yourself! Read more ...
RStudio’s instructor training and certification program will be running two upcoming online classes in September 2019. We hope you’ll consider joining us. Read more ...
Welcome to the new RStudio Education website! We are working hard to make this site the place to go for everyone who wants to learn or teach data science with R and RStudio. Read more ...
June 2 – 3, 2020
This workshop is the first step in becoming a certified RStudio instructor. It is run online for four hours on each of two days at a time suitable for participants in the Americas. Please contact us if you wish to take part.